Tuesday, March 10th, 2020 Posted by Jim Thacker

Download Maxon’s free Cineware for Unity plugin

Maxon has released Cineware for Unity, its free Unity plugin for importing Cinema 4D scene files into the game engine for use in real-time applications.

The plugin is Maxon’s latest companion tool for Cinema 4D users, following last week’s Moves by Maxon iOS motion-capture app.

Convert Cinema 4D geometry, materials and lights for use in Unity
Now officially available after a period in public beta, Cineware for Unity automates the process of preparing Cinema 4D project files for use inside Unity, converting geometry, materials and lights.

As well as base geometry, the plugin supports vertex properties, including skinning weights; and converts skin and binding rigs and pose morphs for characters.

It supports Cinema 4D’s PBR materials, including animated properties; some of Cinema 4D light types (Spot, Directional, Point, Area Rectangle and Area Disc); and Cinema 4D cameras.

The plugin joins Maxon’s existing Cineware plugins for After Effects and Illustrator.

System requirements and availability
Cineware for Unity is compatible with Cinema 4D R21 and Unity 2019.3. It’s a free download.

Non Cinema 4D users can use Cineware for Unity to import Cinema 4D scenes, providing that they have been exported using the ‘Saved for Cineware’ setting.

Read more about Cineware for Unity on Maxon’s website

Download Maxon’s free Cineware for Unity from the Unity asset store