Michael Christophersson ships Ramma 1.25
Originally posted on 15 April 2016. Scroll down for updates.
VFX artist Michael Christophersson has unveiled Ramma: a “smart, simple and beautiful” new tool that automatically detects bad or missing frames in image sequences generated by “anything that renders them”.
Simple but intelligent render monitoring
And that’s it. Ramma is intended for one very specific task: monitoring sequences of rendered images.
As well as simply flagging up dropped frames, the software is intended to take a rather more intelligent approach to render monitoring, also checking completed images for potential problems.
According to Christophersson: “My experience with [other] render managers is that they tend to indicate that a render or frame has completed but not check the resulting media against the other files for consistency.”
Ramma also checks image sequences within nested folders: “great for versions or render passes”.
The software is designed to work with applications from “Autodesk, Adobe, The Foundry, Blackmagic Design, Maxon or any products that render to image sequences”.
Updated 28 March 2017: Ramma 1.1 is now available. As well as standard image formats, it can also check particle caches generated in OpenVDB format, RealFlow’s .bin format, or X-Particles’ native format.
Updated 1 January 2020: Ramma 1.25 is now available, making Ramma available for Linux as well as Windows and macOS.
Since we last wrote about the software, Christophersson has added visual representations of bad frame types, and the option to skip unwanted folders. Ramma also now supports .psd, .dng and .jpeg-2000 files.
Pricing and availability
Ramma 1.25 is available for Windows, Linux and macOS. New licences cost €85 (around $95) and may be used on up to two machines.