Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 Posted by Jim Thacker

Download Alex Senechal’s free 10K studio HDRIs

Games art director and concept designer Alex Senechal has released a new set of three free 10,000 x 5,000px synthetic HDRIs mimicking real-world studio lighting set-ups.

The pack is a follow-up to the set of five free studio HDRIs that Senechal released in 2019.

The files, which are supplied in HDR format, can be used to generate portfolio renders of props, vehicles or characters, but are designed specifically for renders of weapons.

Availability and system requirements
Alex Senechal’s free HDRIs are licensed for use in personal work only. For commercial work, Senechal has two packs of 50 studio lighting HDRIs available via his Gumroad store.

The files can be used in any DCC application that supports HDRI lighting.

Download Alex Senechal’s five studio lighting HDRIs from his Gumroad store
(Enter a figure of $0 to get the files for free, or make a voluntary donation)