Download 11 free hi-res aerial panoramas of clouds
Framestore digital matte painter Jacek Pilarski has released a new free pack of aerial photographs of clouds, for use in concept and matte work.
11 high-resolution aerial panoramas of clouds, including the source images for stitching
The pack – it’s Vol. 7 in Pilarski’s Gumroad store if you visit the link at the foot of the page – comprises 11 stitched panoramas, covering a range of cloud types and lighting conditions.
Each is provided as a 16-bit TIFF at resolutions upwards of 6,720 x 4,480px, spanning over 120° vertically and horizontally. The panoramas are made up from over 430 source images – also provided for download.
The files are free for non-commercial or freelance use: a studio licence costs $30.
Pilarski also has a range of commercial matte painting reference image packs available via his Gunmroad store or his website,
Download free high-resolution aerial panoramic images of clouds from Jacek Pilarski’s Gumroad store