Friday, August 8th, 2014 Posted by Jim Thacker

Cebas announces release date for thinkingParticles 6

An early technology preview of thinkingParticles 6. The latest version of cebas’s particles-turned-multiphysics simulation plugin for 3ds Max will be demoed at Siggraph 2014, and is due to ship in September.

Cebas is demoing thinkingParticles 6, the latest version of its increasingly-more-than-just-particles dynamics plugin for 3ds Max, at Siggraph 2014 next week.

Version 6 builds on the Bullet rigid-body dynamics and soft-body solver added in version 5 of the software, adding full cloth and soft-body dynamics and fluid simulation.

The update has been in development for a while now – the video above dates from 2012, and version 6 was also demoed at Siggraph 2013 – but cebas has now announced an expected shipping date of mid September.

Cebas will also be demoing – for the fourth year running – finalRender 4 GPU, its GPU production renderer. Part of the tech surfaced in moskitoRender earlier this year, but there’s still no official release date.

Read more about cebas’s Siggraph demos on the comapany’s blog