Caustic Visualizer for 3ds Max enters open beta
Imagination Technologies has released Caustic Visualizer for 3ds Max in open beta. The plugin provides a real-time raytraced viewport within Max, speeding up visualisation, lighting and look development workflows.
The Maya version of the plugin, released at Siggraph last year, has been getting pretty good feedback from early users, particularly those running it in conjunction with Imagination’s Series2 raytracing acceleration cards.
“For interactive visualisation with reflections and materials, I don’t think there’s anything better on the market for the price,” David Perkins of design firm Silent House Productions told us earlier this year.
To take part in the beta, you’ll need to be running 3ds Max 2012+ on Windows 7 or 8. At the time of writing, the website hasn’t been updated, but the developer has confirmed on Twitter the the program is now open.
Read more about Caustic Visualizer for 3ds Max
(Includes registration link for the beta program)