Mahmood Hasanzadeh ships Ivy Generator 2 for Maya
Character TD and tools developer Mahmood Hasanzadeh has released Ivy Generator 2, the latest version of his Maya add-on for generating ivy over 3D surfaces in a scene for VFX or visualisation work.
The update adds new options for controlling the form of the ivy, including the option to grow it along curves, by having it interact with deflector objects, and by using falloffs or texture maps.
Version 1 of the plugin remains available, and can be downloaded for free.
Generate procedural ivy on 3D objects for VFX and visualisation projects
Like Guillermo Leal’s free ivy generator for 3ds Max and Antoine Bagattini’s Baga Ivy Generator for Blender, Ivy Generator generates ivy procedurally on 3D surfaces in a scene.
Users can control the form of the ivy using parameters to adjust properties like branching and leaf density.
It’s also possible to drag the ivy around directly in the viewport – either an entire clump, or individual stems – with the plant automatically maintaining contact with the surface on which it is growing.
The plugin has a C++ API, so it should be straightforward to integrate it into existing pipelines.
New in version 2: support for control curves and more forces
Version 2 of the plugin introduces more ways to control the ivy it generates, including the option to use curves to control the growth path, and support for “more forces”.
There are also parameters to create secondary stems, and more controls for sub-branches and leaves; plus the option to use falloff shapes or texture maps to control parameters.
The plugin is also now multi-threaded to improve performance.
Price and system requirements
Ivy Generator 2 is compatible with Maya 2022+. It costs $25.
Ivy Generator 1 is compatible with Maya 2022. It’s a free download.
Read more about Ivy Generator 2 in Mahmood Hasanzadeh’s Gumroad store