Reallusion ships iClone 8.2 + iClone Unreal Live Link 1.2
Reallusion has released iClone 8.2, the latest version of its real-time character animation software, and iClone Unreal Live Link 1.2, the latest version of its live-link plugin for Unreal Engine.
Both updates add support for characters that use Reallusion’s new dynamic wrinkles system, introduced in Character Creator 4.2, the latest version of its character-generation software.
In addition, iClone 8.2 gets an update to the Look At system, which can now trigger facial morphs as a character’s eyes move, and support for progressive texture loading to reduce scene loading times.
Support for Reallusion’s new dynamic wrinkles system
Both iClone and iClone Unreal Live Link now support characters with facial wrinkles generated by Reallusion’s long-awaited dynamic wrinkles system, introduced in Character Creator 4.2.
It automatically generates wrinkles on a character’s face in response to changes in expression, layering finer, texture-based wrinkles over the larger folds of flesh generated by Character Creator’s expressions system.
The wrinkles can be triggered by keyframe animation, or in real time by Face Puppet, iClone’s facial puppeteering system, or by motion-capture data streamed in via the add-on Motion Live system.
You can read more about how the dynamic wrinkles system works in this story.
Users can adjust wrinkle settings directly inside iClone, while iClone Unreal Live Link automatically converts the wrinkle set-up into an Unreal Engine Blueprint.
Extended Look At system and support for progressive texture loading
In addition, iClone’s Look At system, which automatically adjusts a character’s head to follow moving targets, has been updated.
Look At can now drive brow morphs, so that a character’s eyebrows and eyelids move realistically as its gaze shifts, which can also trigger eye creases and forehead wrinkles generated by the dynamic wrinkles system.
It can also now control larger body movements better, with keyable weights for the character’s head, neck and torso, and new corrective morphs for more natural-looking head turns.
iClone 8.2 also now supports progressive texture loading, making it possible to begin editing a scene before all of the texture maps have loaded.
There are options to load textures only after all of the models have loaded, or only when triggered manually.
Pricing and system requirements
iClone 8.2 is available for Windows 7+. New licences have a MSRP of $599.
iClone Unreal Live Link 1.2 is compatible with Unreal Engine 4.27+ on Windows 7 and 10. The plugin is free to indie users with revenues of under $100,000/year; full licences have a MSRP of $1,490.
Read an overview of the new features in iClone 8.2 on Reallusion’s blog
Read a full list of new features in iClone 8.2 in the online release notes
Read a full list of new features in iClone Unreal Live Link 1.2 in the online release notes