IKinema announces LiveAction 2
IKinema has announced LiveAction 2, the latest update to its mocap solving and retargeting software for real-time production, adding an integrated full-body rig editor.
The technology will go on display at GDC 2016 next week.
Stream and clean mocap data in real time for export to UE4
LiveAction enables users to stream data from standard optical and inertial motion-capture solutions – it supports Vicon, OptiTrack, PhaseSpace and Xsens systems – and retarget it directly onto CG characters.
The software includes automated real-time filters to reduce noise, fix dropouts, and minimise common problems like foot slippage or characters interpenetrating the floor or surrounding objects.
The cleaned data can then be output directly into Unreal Engine 4.
The system enables studios working on virtual production projects or VR content to see motion-capture actors interacting with a virtual environment in final, or near-final, quality live on set.
Based on other IKinema technologies
LiveAction uses the same core technology as Action, its mocap solving and retargeting plugin for Maya and MotionBuilder, so the solver supports biped, quadruped or fantasy creatures.
The new rig editor is also based on an existing IKinema technology: in this case, its RunTime middleware.
According to IKinema, the inclusion of the rig editor is intended to minimise the need for users to switch to other applications during asset set-up: instead, they can “choose to do everything within LiveAction”.
Pricing and availability
LiveAction 2 will be available for download from IKinema’s website from 16 March 2016. The software is Windows only, and both node-locked and floating licences cost £2,500/year (around $3,570/year) excluding VAT.