Monday, January 28th, 2019 Posted by Jim Thacker

iMeshup lets game devs review 3D models in a web browser

Polish startup iMeshup has launched iMeshup, its self-titled online platform for reviewing 3D models.

The service is designed to enable game artists to share 3D models online and have collaborators comment on or approve them using a standard web browser.

Share, comment on and approve games models via your website
iMeshup launched last year as a more general 3D model sharing service, but was rebooted last month as a specialist games industry tool, incorporating feedback from Warsaw’s Fuero Games.

The platform is WebGL-based, enabling users to view 3D models inside their web browser, with options to toggle textures, or adjust lighting and camera parameters.

The viewer is built around the glTF file format, and uses iMeshup’s proprietary compression algorithm, but accepts files in a range of standard 3D formats, including 3DS, OBJ, FBX, Alembic and Collada.

Models can also be exported to iMeshup directly from Blender, with similar integrations planned for 3ds Max, Cinema 4D and Unity.

Once uploaded, iMeshup offers a standard basic set of features for commenting and approving assets, with a built-in file versioning system.

The service also integrates with Slack, making it possible for teams to send notifications via their existing Slack channels.

Pricing and availability
iMeshup is available now. A free 14-day trial is available.

For commercial users, a Starter plan costs $19/user/month. The upcoming Premium plan, which will provide more model viewing options, plus an online repository for assets, will cost $39/user/month.

Read more about iMeshup on the product website