Download Ten24’s free full body scan of an adult male
Ten24 has made another of its ultra-detailed 3D scans available for download: this time, a full-body scan of an adult male actor in a neutral pose, available in OBJ and ZTL formats.
The figure (fun factoid: the actor is Ten24 director James Busby) is available both as raw scan geometry, decimated to 15 million polygons; and as lower-res versions cleaned up and retopologised for animation.
In the case of the OBJ version, that means poly counts of 200,000 to 2 million polys; in the case of the ZTL file, six subdivision levels. Both lower-res versions come with 16K texture maps.
All of the data is licensed for use in commercial projects, providing you credit Ten24. Amazing stuff.
Download Ten24’s free full-body 3D scan of an adult male figure