Lightmap releases HDR Light Studio 4.1
Lightmap has released HDR Light Studio 4.1, a free update to its real-time image-based lighting tool, adding a new Live link to 3ds Max and V-Ray.
The link enables artists to light their scenes using HDR Light Studio’s interactive HDR canvas and view the changes in 3D in real time, using V-Ray RT, V-Ray’s interactive preview, as their ActiveShade renderer.
HDR Light Studio then automatically reflects any changes made in 3ds Max to geometries or materials.
User feedback
Heavy Artillery founder Brett Simms said: “The new connection to 3ds Max is an unbelievable time-saver for me. Being able to create image-based lighting on the fly with instant feedback in V-Ray RT is amazing. My lighting process is now significantly faster and with all the lighting coming from IBL, renders are often much faster too.”
The software also comes with a range of existing Live plugins for applications including Maya, Houdini, Maxwell Render, KeyShot and Showcase Pro.
HDR Light Studio 4.1 is available now for Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6+ and Linux, price $499.