moma: render Maya scenes with modo’s render engine
Jacobo Barreiro has released moma, his tool for rendering Maya scenes inside modo, in open beta.
moma forms a two-way connection between Maya and modo’s renderer, enabling modo to process Maya geometry, materials, lighting, animation and camera data, and unifies key modo render settings into a single UI.
The tool enables Maya artists to use modo’s well-regarded render engine in production – or conversely, modo artists to take advantage of Maya’s production-proven animation pipeline.
Supports most key render features
Not every feature of modo’s renderer is currently supported, but the feature list currently includes almost everything you might need, including the main light types, GI, antialiasing, DoF, motion blur and physical sun.
modo materials supported include Fur, BRDF, Occlusion and the new Cel, Cel Edges and Halftone materials.
Geometry is converted before rendering the first frame of an animation, adding some calculation time over rendering in modo itself; but moma’s Update mode makes it possible to reuse previously converted data.
moma 0.4.5 is available now as a free open beta. It requires modo 601 and Maya 2012 with the Subscription Advantage Pack, or higher. As yet, it’s only available for Windows, but Barreiro is working on OS X support.
Read more about moma on Jacobo Barreiro’s website
Download moma 0.4.5 from the moma forum (Registration required)