
Autodesk ships Maya 2018.2

It's a smallish update, but it adds new render options for Bifröst fluid simulations and extends the FBX export process for animations.

Thursday, December 28th, 2017

Autodesk releases 3ds Max 2018.3

Updated: Autodesk discusses how the new Fluids simulation toolset stacks up against Bifröst in Maya.

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017

Autodesk ships Maya 2018

Viewport 2.0 becomes the primary viewport; new features added to the MASH motion graphics and Bifröst fluid simulation toolsets.

Tuesday, July 25th, 2017

Navié unveils Effex 2.8

Updated: Cinema 4D fluid simulator to get new sound node; new APIC solver generates smoother liquid flow than standard FLIP solvers.

Friday, October 7th, 2016

Autodesk unveils Maya 2017

Update adds new clip-based Time Editor, more XGen and Bifrost simulation options. Arnold now installed by default, not mental ray.

Monday, July 25th, 2016