ftrack ships Cinesync 4.2.3
ftrack has released cineSync 4.2.3, the latest update its remote shot review and approval tool, adding support for 360° video, and a ghosting mode for annotations.
An industry-standard solution for remote shot review and approval
Since its release in 2005, cineSync has become the visual effects industry’s go-to solution for remote shot review and approval, in use at studios including ILM and Sony Pictures Imageworks.
The software enables users on opposite sides of the world – for example, a director and the VFX facility, or staff at individual studios within a company – to watch work-in-progress shots in sync.
It runs on all major operating systems, supports high-definition, high-frame-rate video, and comes with a set of built-in tools for drawing annotations directly onto the image.
The software was originally developed by Cospective, acquired by ftrack in 2019.
New in cineSync 4.2.3: support for 360° video in latlong format
The first major feature update to the software in some time, cineSync 4.2.3 – also referred to in the marketing material as the April 2021 release – adds support for playing back 360° video in latlong format.
The format is increasingly used for rendered digital environments when shooting actors live against a LED volume, rather than having to shoot against a greenscreen and add the background in post.
cineSync usrs can view spherical 360° video in a standard rectangular viewing window, pan around inside the image, and add positionally accurate annotations.
Support for ghosting in annotations
Other new features in the release include a new ghosting mode for annotations, making it possible to sketch out a character or object’s trajectory across several frames when reviewing animations.
There are also changes to handling of video colour space, and to transfer of encrypted content via Amazon Web Services. You can find a full list via the links below.
Pricing and availability
cineSync 4.2.3 is available now for Windows, Linux and macOS.
The software is available on a rental-only basis, with basic accounts starting at $99/month for two users, and Pro accounts starting at $319/month for two users.
Read an overview of the new features in cineSync 4.2.3 Cospective’s blog
Read a full list of new features in cineSync 4.2.3 in the online release notes