Marmoset’s GDC reel hints at new features in Toolbag 3
Marmoset has posted its GDC 2016 reel of work created in Toolbag, its real-time rendering toolkit for games artists – and as well as being great eye candy, it seems to show some of the new features due in Toolbag 3.
Support for particle effects and character animation due in Toolbag 3?
According to Marmoset, all of the material on the reel – which includes work by Naughty Dog’s Glauco Longhi and SCEE’s Karen Stanley – was “powered by Toolbag 3”.
Although Marmoset hasn’t posted any details of version 3’s new features, you can see hints on the video: particle effects show up several times, ranging from muzzle flashes to rain.
And animation support seems to have been extended from the simple turntables possible in Marmoset 2.
As well as a lot of more complex camera animations, the reel features hard-surface animations (helmet visors closing, train wheels rotating), and even, at 01:20, a rigged character.
Pricing and availability
According to Marmoset’s blog post, Toolbag 3 is “happening in 2016”. The current release, Marmoset Toolbag 2.08, is available for Windows Vista or Mac OS X 10.9 and above. A new licence of the software costs $149.