Character Animation

SideFX ships Houdini 17

Videos: major Houdini update adds Vellum multphysics solver, new cloth and hair tools, material-based facturing and simulation retiming.

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

Reallusion ships iClone 7.3

Real-time animation tool gets support for Bezier curve editing for motion paths, new Material Plus format for saving multi-materials.

Friday, September 28th, 2018

Amazon ships Lumberyard 1.14

Free game engine gets support for morph targets, new wind and force volumes, volumetric cloud system, visual scripting improvements.

Tuesday, May 15th, 2018

Reallusion ships iClone 7.1

Update to real-time character animation tool overhauls the DoF system and animation timeline; adds paid-for Curve Editor plugin.

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017