Monday, September 5th, 2011 Posted by Jim Thacker

3ds Max to get Bullet physics plug-in

3ds Max is to get support for Bullet physics – courtesy of third-party plug-in developer Mir Vadim.

According to videos Vadim has posted on YouTube, the next release of RayFire, the destruction and fragmentation plug-in used on movies like Transformers 3, will integrate the Bullet phyics library.

There is no formal release date for the update, which also adds support for 3ds Max 2012, although Vadim has announced that it will be free to registered users of RayFire 1.55.

A step towards native support?
The news could pave the way for native Bullet physics in 3ds Max: following a period during which the only readily available implementation for Maya was Disney’s Dynamica plug-in – a port of which is also available for 3ds Max – Autodesk recently announced native support in the upcoming Maya Advantage Pack.

Visit the RayFire website

Bullet physics in RayFire 1: 1,700 concave objects collapse

Bullet physics in RayFire 2: Concave ProBoolean fragmentation