Autodesk asks its users to ‘Be Max’ for viral ads
Autodesk is calling for users to point a camera at themselves, hold up a piece of paper showing the 3ds Max logo, and say “I’m Max”.
The result, a kind of geek take on the ‘I’m Spartacus!” scene from… er, Spartacus will form a viral campaign, with the highlights edited together to form a ‘best of’ video shown at Siggraph.
So far, Autodesk’s Ken Pimentel, VFX supervisor Allan McKay, digital sculptor Wayne Robson, and a gaggle of other Max luminaries can be seen giving it a bit of the old Kirk Douglas spirit for the cameras.
Feedback on both The Area and CGTalk has divided equally between ‘This is amazing!’ and ‘This is retarded’, so we guess this is one you’ll either love or loathe.
If you want to be Spartacus yourself, you can find entry details on the link below.