Get Superflow: new free 3ds Max motion graphics script
Artist Ian Clemmer has released a 3ds Max script enabling users to create complex motion graphics effects.
The Superflow script, available for free on Scriptspot, rotates instanced objects round a central pivot point. Multiple Superflow operators can be stacked on top of one another to create extremely complex effects reminiscent of those achieved through Cinema 4D’s MoGraph system.
The system is based on an algorithm discovered by Clemmer as part of his thesis work at Hochschule Darmstadt. Clemmer later worked with Dr. Oleg Bayborodin, architect of 3ds Max’s Particle Flow system, to create new particle software based on the Superflow algorithm.
Clemmer has also produced an extremely elegant abstract short demonstrating some of the capabilities of the full particle software, which can be seen in the player at the top of this page.
He terms the results ‘visual music’, or ‘viusic’ – a concept inspired by computer graphics pioneer John Whitney. “If harmony is audible, why not visible?” he says.
Clemmer is currently working on a Superflow Clone modifier with 3ds Max plug-in developer Itoo Software. He estimates that the software could be released in Q1 next year and will cost €60-90 (around $85-125).
He is also looking for financial backing to release the full particle software used in creating the short.
“We do plan on releasing [the tools], but funds are missing to complete the project,” he says. “Right now they are only Box#3 data operators [for Bayborodin’s commercial 3ds Max toolset], which cannot be licensed.
“It cost €15,000 to produce the software: we need another 10 or 20k to convert it to a C++ plug-in.”
Anyone interested in backing the project can contact Ian via his website:
Download the Superflow script from Scriptspot (Updated: 21 October)