2017 editions of the scattering and cloud-creation plugins, now on 'pre-release', will be the last to ship.
Wednesday, July 19th, 2017
2017 editions of the scattering and cloud-creation plugins, now on 'pre-release', will be the last to ship.
Wednesday, July 19th, 2017
Read a run-down of what's new in the landscape-generation software on Planetside's updated website.
Tuesday, October 11th, 2016
New version of landcape generator available to buy. Former Animation module now included as standard.
Friday, September 23rd, 2016
So who is e-on's new owner, and what are its plans for tools like LumenRT, Vue and PlantFactory?
Tuesday, September 15th, 2015
Atmosphere-creation plugin gets new name, compatibility with Cinema 4D R16, but not much else.
Thursday, December 4th, 2014
Updated: Atmosphere creation plugin adds physically accurate sunlight. Free PLE edition now available.
Wednesday, July 23rd, 2014