Kinematic Lab releases TopoLogiK for 3ds Max
Kinematic Lab – aka leading tools developer Clovis Gay – has released TopoLogiK: a new plugin that promises “a more procedural, parametric and efficient approach to retopology in 3ds Max”.
The tool enables artists to create new topology by drawing out a new surface across a model, then adjusting the density of subdivisions, or the positions of individual edges or edge loops.
Retopologise hi-res models by drawing out new topology across their surfaces
TopoLogiK’s workflow should be familiar to anyone who has used tools like Blender’s RetopoFlow add-on – Kinematic Labs’ website namechecks both Blender and TopoGun as sources of inspiration.
Users can draw out clean, all-quad topology across the surface of a model being retopologised, either as strips of polygons or entire surfaces, with the original geometry displayed beneath it.
Strips and surfaces can be snapped together, with options to adjust the placement of faces when capping holes, or extended from their edges using a workflow similar to Maya’s Quad Draw tool.
The new topology can be edited by adjusting the density and placement of subdivisions, cutting in new edges or edge loops manually, or using the built-in Freeze and Relax brushes.
Pricing and availability
TopoLogiK is available for 3ds Max 2013+. A node-locked licence costs €30 (around $35).