Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016 Posted by Jim Thacker ships Universal Material Converter for Max – aka developers Joep van der Steen and Stefan Twigt – has released Universal Material Converter, its script for automatically converting all of the materials in a 3ds Max scene to the render engine of your choice.

The new script is a renamed and “basically rewritten” version of its old product, Autodesk Material Converter.

Convert native 3ds Max materials to their mental ray, Iray, V-Ray or Corona equivalents
Running UMC automatically converts all of the materials in a scene into their native equivalents for mental ray, V-Ray, Iray or Corona Renderer; or back to standard 3ds Max materials for use in game engines.

During conversion, duplicate materials are converted to instances, further improving performance: the developers claim that the script delivers a typical increase in render speed of 35%.

Texture maps are converted to their nearest equivalents – for example, VRayDirt becomes CoronaAO – with the script baking out procedural maps to bitmaps when converting materials for use in Max’s Scanline renderer.

According to, the accuracy of the conversion process is “more than 95%”.

Pricing and availability
Universal Material Converter is available for 3ds Max 2012 and above. A new licence costs €95.59 (around $104), including tax.

Read a full list of features in Universal Material Converter on’s website