Project Dogwaffle team releases Howler 9.6
Originally posted on 23 February. Scroll down for updates.
The Project Dogwaffle team has released Howler 9.5, the latest update to the VFX-friendly paint package, including new tools for compositing, matchmoving and fixing damaged or poorly transcoded video.
New video repair and greenscreen compositing tools
Shown in the video above, the new Duplicate frames tool identifies and deletes duplicate frames, and repairs dropped or damaged frames automatically using motion prediction.
The greenscreen compositing toolset has been revamped to improve removal of edge spill, including support for colour matrix adjustments; and there are new tools for single-point matchmoving.
Other new features include rectangular and elliptical masking options for creating quick garbage mattes; a new Vector Blur filter; and an animatable four-corner perspective warp.
There are also a number of GUI tweaks, and a less cluttered UI layout when using higher-resolution monitors.
Pricing and availability
Howler 9.6 is available now for Windows. It’s a free upgrade from version 9.5, but a paid upgrade from previous 9.x releases. New licences have an MSRP of $89.99.
Updated 16 March: Howler 9.6 is now available via Steam for $49.99. The non-Steam version is currently available from the product website at the same price.