Faceshift releases faceshift Studio 2015
Markerless facial motion-capture system faceshift Studio 2015 now supports Intel’s new RealSense sensor, shown in use here with a Snorricam-style chestmount to create a low-cost wearable facial camera rig.
Faceshift has released faceshift Studio 2015, the latest version of its markerless facial motion-capture system, improving raw performance and adding support for the inexpensive new Intel RealSense sensor.
The software, which also works with a range of other sensors, including the Kinect, enables users to scan a series of facial expressions to create a custom 3D avatar, and to record facial animation data in real time.
The animation data may be streamed live into Maya, MotionBuilder or Unity, or exported in a range of standard file formats, including BVH and FBX.
Build a $510 wearable facial capture rig with the Intel RealSense sensor
The RealSense, which comes embedded into new Asus, Acer, Dell, HP and Lenovo laptops, and can be bought separately as a $99 dev kit, uses visible, infrared and laser light to infer 3D depth.
Faceshift describes the sensor as “a really nice portable facial motion-capture system”, and notes that it can be combined with a Snorricam-style chestmount camera rig, making it “a great choice for a wearable system”.
This article on faceshift’s blog describes the process in more detail, and includes a ‘shopping list’ of parts to create a $510 wearable facial capture rig.
Unlike the Kinect, the RealSense can capture at 60fps, increasing the accuracy of captured facial performances.
Pricing and availability
Faceshift Studio 2015 is available for Windows and OS X. A Linux version is in development. Each seat of the software costs $1,500/year. You can also get a perpetual licence for non-commercial use for $150.