R3DS releases Wrap
Russian3DScanner (R3DS) has released a beta build of Wrap: a new standalone tool for transferring topology from an existing model to a 3D scan, enabling users to retopologise scan data more quickly.
Semi-automatic retopology
Rather than setting up new topology manually, Wrap uses a semi-automatic approach similar to traditional image-morphing software, with the user manually identifying corresponding points on both meshes.
R3DS compares the workflow, if not the underlying algorithms, to that of the Morphit script included in Wrapit, but notes that Wrap requires fewer “or no guiding points at all”.
Certainly, the video demo (above) shows the software in action on relatively complex geometry using only a handful of guide points.
R3DS also notes that if Wrap is fed a series of 3D scans of the same model – for example, facial scans of the same actor – the result will be a series of blendshapes.
Pricing and availability
The tool is still clearly advertised as a beta, and R3DS notes that it can be slow on large meshes. If you want to try it now, you can download a demo, or buy it for $75 – half the final price – until 15 April.
It’s currently for Windows 7 only.
Read more about Wrap on R3DS’s website (Includes download link)