Videos: see new features in V-Ray 2.0 for Maya
Chaos Group has begun shipping V-Ray 2.0 for Maya. As with the 3ds Max version, released last year, a key addition in the new release is the GPU-accelerated V-Ray RT interactive preview renderer.
If you’ve been watching the demo videos for V-Ray 2.0 for 3ds Max, many of the other new features – for example, the new car paint shader and dispersion controls – will already be familiar to you.
However, Chaos Group’s latest crop of videos do contain a few surprises: notably, a walkthrough on using the renderer with Ptex textures in Maya 2012.
You can check out all the videos below. Prices vary from reseller to reseller, but most come in around $1,350.
Download the trial version of V-Ray 2.0 for Maya (Registration required)
Working with Substance and Ptex
Interactive rendering with V-Ray RT
New car paint material
New Light Select render element
New Dispersion controls
Image-based lighting workflow (Not new in 2.0)