Watch highlights of 15 of the year's best animated and VFX shorts, with accompanying tech breakdowns.
Wednesday, July 26th, 2017
Watch highlights of 15 of the year's best animated and VFX shorts, with accompanying tech breakdowns.
Wednesday, July 26th, 2017
Not all of them can be shown online in full yet, but we've got extended clips and making-ofs for the others.
Saturday, July 19th, 2014
It's five wins in a row for Germany's Filmakademie. See them all here, including 2014 winner Rugbybugs.
Friday, February 14th, 2014
Not all of them can be shown online in full yet, but we've got extended clips and making-ofs for the others.
Tuesday, June 18th, 2013
Watch the edited version and making-of video for last night's VES Award-winning student short.
Wednesday, February 6th, 2013
Entry restrictions mean that not all can be shown online in full, but we've found exactly 45% of them.
Monday, June 25th, 2012