The Foundry ships NPR 2 Kit for Modo
The Foundry has released Non-Photorealistic Rendering 2 Kit for Modo, an expanded version of its collection of tools for creating stylised render effects, particularly those mimicking the look of traditional media.
The kit comprises 8 individual NPR shaders, plus a set of readymade texture maps and brushes, generators for creating new maps, and stock backgrounds including napkins, chalkboard, crumpled and lined paper.
New features in the updated kit
Since the original NPR Kit was released, The Foundry has added a new XToon shader for more advanced cel shading effects than were possible with the existing Toon material, including fog and depth of field.
There are also new features to increase the believability of shading effects, including new controls for mixing in indirect illumination, specular highlights and scene reflections.
In addition, a new Surface Flow system enables users to change NPR screen tiling parameters based on surface distance and angle and the position of one or more texture locators.
According to The Foundry, when using screen coordinates instead of UVs, this helps increase the illusion that textures are attached to 3D objects in the scene, rather than sliding over the top of them.
Pricing and availability
NPR 2 Kit for Modo is available now for Modo 801 and 901, price $199. Users of Modo 701 have access to the original NPR Kit, although there doesn’t seem to be an upgrade discount for anyone who bought it at the time.
Read a full list of features in Non-Photorealistic Rendering 2 Kit for Modo