Eye candy: Tempo
Red Giant Software has released Tempo, a neat little short designed to promote its effects and finishing software.
Tempo tells the story of Harp and Burke, two scientists who – in a convenient plot twist, given the nature of the products Red Giant makes – invent a device to speed up or slow down time.
An evil corporate weapons manufacturer (is there any other kind?) is soon on the case, and the rest of the movie plays out pretty much as you’d expect, through a gamut of blooms, blurs, flashes and lens flares.
Some things betray the movie’s presumably not-enormous budget, but it operates with a neat gamelike logic, and overall, it’s a lot of fun.
Not entirely coincidentally, Red Giant is also about to launch a ‘secret sale’ of the products used on the short. You can sign up for a notification email via the company’s home page.
Visit Red Giant Software online
Read (a little bit) more about the making of the short on its Vimeo page
Watch director Seth Worley’s previous short, Plot Device (Also made with Red Giant products)