Xfrog Inc. releases Xfrog for Cinema 4D 5
Xfrog Inc. has released Xfrog 5 for Cinema 4D, an update to its procedural plant-generation system, the Maya version of which shipped last year.
Version 5 of the software adds support for Cinema 4D R12 and R13, but otherwise, it’s essentially a bugfix upgrade, although the developer does claim a 20% speed boost over version 4.4.
The update is free to anyone who bought Xfrog for Cinema 4D 4.4 in the past six months; or $99 to anyone else. The full version costs $399.
However, Xfrog has been in touch to say that it is launching a storewide Christmas sale. It should be live soon after you read this, and will offer a 30% discount on all software or plant models bought through the site.
Read the official launch announcement (Includes download link for 30-day trial)