Videos: Check out what’s new in MotionBuilder 2012

MotionBuilder 2012 offers a unified UI and solver with HumanIK. Note the new standard Characterisation window (top right).
Autodesk has unveiled the new features in the next release of MotionBuilder, including support for stereoscopic workflows, a unified UI for the HumanIK middleware, and ‘one click’ interoperability with Maya and 3ds Max.
MotionBuilder 2012 will enable users to author and view stereoscopic content, thanks to a new in-viewport stereoscopic display and camera rig; while the interface will offer more consistency with HumanIK 4.5 and 2012.
Aside from that, it’s mainly UI changes and standardisation with other apps: MotionBuilder now uses the standard Autodesk ‘Dark Look’ UI, there is a new FCurves window to bring MotionBuilder in line with other Autodesk products, and the Characterization Tool has been updated – again in the interests of unification across the Autodesk product range.
Perhaps the most practical benefit of these changes is the new ‘one click’ workflow between MotionBuilder 2012 and Maya or 3ds Max: the new Send to Maya command in the File menu enables artists to transfer character data between the two apps without the need to export to FBX.
Pricing remains unchanged at $3,995. We don’t have a definite release date, but we assume the software will ship in April, along with the rest of Autodesk’s 2012 product line.
View a full list of new features on Autodesk’s Cory Mogk’s blog