Monday, December 16th, 2024 Posted by Jim Thacker

Boris FX releases Mocha Pro 2025

Boris FX has begun its 2025 updates to Mocha Pro, its planar tracking software.

Mocha Pro 2025.0 introduces a new AI-powered rotoscoping workflow, including an Object Brush for isolating objects in a frame of video with a single click, and Matte Assist ML, for propagating the mask automatically throughout the remainder of a shot.

The software’s new 3D tracking toolset gets the option to track objects as well as the camera.

New AI-powered Object Brush isolates objects in a single frame with one click
Mocha Pro becomes the second of Boris FX’s applications to get new AI-powered rotoscoping features, following their introduction in Silhouette 2024 and 2024.5.

The Object Brush, which is powered by the Mask ML algorithm used in Silhouette, makes it possible to isolate objects in a single frame of footage with a single click.

Users click inside the object they want to isolate to have automatically generates a matte for it.

The selection can be refined by selecting extra parts of the image to include or exclude, or by using the existing Area Brush tool to paint areas in or out manually.

Once the boundaries are finalized, Mocha converts the selection into editable splines.

New Matte Assist ML feature propagates single-frame object mattes throughout a shot
Alternatively, users can propagate the matte throughout a shot with the Matte Assist ML option in the software’s new Matte module.

It automatically follows the object being matted in the source frame throughout the rest of the footage, generating animated vector masks matching its changing outline.

The edges of the masks can be shrunk or dilated using built-in controls.

As well as garbage matting, suggested use cases include creating holdouts for foreground objects.

Updates to 3D tracking and data export
The release also extends the 3D tracking toolset introduced in Mocha Pro 2024, which integrated the core solver from SynthEyes, Boris FX’s 3D tracking software.

Users can now solve for moving objects within 3D scenes as well as the camera. The solve can be used with both planar tracks and PowerMesh tracks, for organically warping surfaces.

There are also workflow and performance improvements, including a new unified export dialog for tracking data. You can find a full list in the release notes.

Pricing and system requirements
Mocha Pro 2025 is available as a standalone application, and as Adobe, Avid and OFX plugins. The standalone edition is compatible with Windows 10+, RHEL/CentOS 7-9 Linux and macOS 12.7.6+.

The plugins are compatible with After Effects and Premiere Pro CC 2014+, HitFilm Pro 2017+, Media Composer 8+, Nuke 8+, Flame 2020+, Fusion Studio 8+, Silhouette 2020+ and Vegas Pro 14+.

A new licence costs $695 for the Adobe, Avid or OFX plugins, $995 for all the plugins, or $1,495 for the standalone edition plus all of the plugins. Find subscription pricing here.

Read an overview of the new features in Mocha Pro 2025 on Boris FX’s blog

Read a full list of new features in Mocha Pro 2025 in the online release notes

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