Eye candy: The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot
We have to admit it: when we posted our run-down of the best new game trailers from E3, The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot wasn’t really on our radar.
But the trailer for Ubisoft’s free-to-play dungeon-crawler-cum-tower-defence hybrid is a lot of fun, neatly skewering fantasy conventions, as square-jawed hero Sir Painhammer guides the viewers around his desirable home.
Better still, Ubisoft has just released a blooper reel that shows the characters in unguarded moments during the ‘filming’ of the trailer – and which is almost twice as long as the original.
Now that’s really going the extra mile. We’ve seen actual animated shorts that packed fewer gags than this.
Register for the beta of The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot on Ubisoft’s website