Monday, June 4th, 2012 Posted by Jim Thacker

Videos: the making of Pixar’s Brave

A set of making-of videos for Brave, Pixar’s next animated feature, have surfaced on YouTube.

All in all, they’re a motley bunch. The most official-looking of the lot (i.e. it’s got captions naming the speakers), is the one above. It’s only a minute long, however, and tells you little you didn’t already know from the trailer.

More interesting is the five-minute featurette. There aren’t any on-screen captions – so you have to know, or guess, who the interviewees are – but it looks to have been professionally edited.

There isn’t a lot of technical information, beyond the fact that Pixar’s artists visited Scotland to collect reference material, but voice actors Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson and Billy Connolly all feature.

The best of the bunch, from a technical point of view, is the video above, which shows 2D and 3D assets for the movie being created, along with co-director Mark Andrews giving notes and rehearsing a sword fight sequence.

Again, there’s no official voiceover or captions, but you can play a game of spot-the-software-package with the help of this thread on CGTalk.

Finally, if you just want to see footage of the cast at work, there is some almost-certainly-not-released-officially B-roll material in the video above.

It’s the first of a three-part series, but Part Three just duplicates part of the technical material, while the background music threatens to drown everything else out in Part Two.

As with all material of this type, some of these videos may be taken down from YouTube in future. However, with the North American release coming up on 22 June, there isn’t long to wait before you can see the real thing.

Visit the official Brave website