Get over 100 hi-res female reference images for free
Ten24 has made a set of over 100 facial and full-body female reference images available for free.
To access the 186MB download, you just need to visit the studio’s Facebook profile and click the Like button in the Free Downloads tab.
Each of the 20 Megapixel images was shot on a Canon EOS 5D Mark II, and looks to be of studio quality.
The Facebook profile also gives you access to some excellent tutorials, including a very detailed walkthrough on creating a photorealistic model of an old man. It isn’t a complete step-by-step guide, but it includes some useful video clips, and you can download the LightWave scene files.
Founded by Argonaut Games veteran James Busby, Ten24 specialises in photorealistic character and automotive work for games, film and broadcast.
Visit Ten24 on Facebook (for access to reference images)