Saturday, December 28th, 2013 Posted by Jim Thacker

NewTek releases free trial of ChronoSculpt

ChronoSculpt, NewTek’s new application for sculpting animation caches to refine simulations or character animations by hand. NewTek has just released a free 30-day trial version on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

NewTek has released a free trial edition of ChronoSculpt, its innovative new tool for sculpting animation cache data, originally announced at Siggraph earlier this year.

Among other things, the software enables users to ‘paint out’ simulation errors by hand, and since it imports data in formats including Alembic, OBJ, MDD and Autodesk Geometry Cache, it works with pretty much any modern 3D package.

You can see videos showing workflow with Maya and ChronoSculpt and with Modo on YouTube.

The trial version times out after 30 days, but is not feature-limited. ChronosSculpt is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, and new licences cost $399.

Read more about ChronoSculpt on NewTek’s website

Download the trial edition of ChronoSculpt