Friday, June 24th, 2011 Posted by Jim Thacker

Genetica 3.6 adds support for text objects

Node-based editing in Genetica. The free 3.6 update applies a similar workflow to text objects.

Spiral Graphics has released a free update to Genetica, adding support for text objects.

Version 3.6 of the node-based texture-editing package also introduces the option to apply Styles to any procedurally generated pattern, and refines workflow for manipulating nodes.

With the new version artists can create text objects directly from within Genetica. Text can be used in conjunction with Genetica’s powerful style system, which means text can be created out of realistic materials such as stone, glass, wood, and more, simply by choosing from hundreds of preset styles.

A new Style node introduced in Genetica 3.6 means that in addition to text and drawn shapes, styles can now be applied to any procedurally created noise or pattern.

Genetica 3.6 also introduces massive workflow improvements that expedite the creation and manipulation of nodes. Nodes can now be arranged into all possible configurations simply by dragging them to the correct position. New nodes can be created by clicking a blank spot in the workspace and typing the first few letters of the desired node’s name. The output of a node can be used in multiple locations by dragging additional output wires from the base of a node.

Genetica 3.6 is provided free to licensed users of Genetica 3.5, while new users can take advantage of a 30% discount that is being offered until July 1st.

Read a full list of new features in Genetica 3.6

Download the demo of Genetica 3.6