Thursday, February 2nd, 2017 Posted by Jim Thacker

RE:Vision Effects releases RE:Lens 1.2 for After Effects

RE:Vision Effects has released RE:Lens 1.2, an update to its After Effects plugin for correcting distortion in footage shot with fisheye lenses, adding an automated spherical stabilisation system.

Undistort video shot with fisheye lenses to create 360-degree or super-wide-angle shots
First released in 2016, RE:Lens lets users shoot with fisheye lenses or even mirror balls, then correct the resulting image distortion and chromatic aberration to leave undistorted super-wide-angle footage.

The corrected footage can be exported in LatLong format for viewing as 360-degree video, or converted to standard 2D format, with the option to edit camera position and movement.

Automatically stabilise 360-degree footage without common artefacts
To that, version 1.2 adds a new automated image stabilisation system for reducing camera shake in hand-held footage or footage shot from moving vehicles.

It operates directly in spherical space, and works without the need for 2D tracking of reference points.

As the demo video above shows, it’s a one-click process, although you can set key frames manually: for example, frames in which the horizon or other visual landmarks are straight.

The system avoids common problems when using conventional image-stabilisation solutions on fisheye and 360-degree footage, such as offsetting the optical centre of the image, or edge artefacts.

According to RE:Vision Effects, “Using RE:Lens’ spherical stabiliser there is often no issue of the stabilisation leaving black around the edges of the transformed frame, unlike regular stabilisers.”

Pricing and availability
RE:Lens 1.2 is available for After Effects CS6 and above. The plugin is also available for Premiere Pro CS6 and above, although the Premiere version lacks the new stabilisation system. It costs $189.95.

Read more about the new features in RE:Lens 1.2 in RE:Vision Effects’ press release

Read more about the other features in RE:Lens on the product website