Monday, March 27th, 2017 Posted by Jim Thacker

Boris FX releases Sapphire 10 Units

Boris FX has introduced Sapphire 10 Units: a new modular version of the popular Sapphire collection of effects plugins for compositing and editorial software, which it acquired from GenArts last year.

Buy Sapphire as a collection of lower-cost themed modules
The new release splits Sapphire – or most of it, at any rate – into eight self-explanatorily titled modules: Adjust, Blur and Sharpen, Distort, Lighting, Render, Stylize, Time and Transitions.

The exceptions are Builder, Sapphire’s node-based tool for creating custom effects, which requires the full package; and Sapphire’s Composite category of plugins, described as “mostly older legacy effects”.

Each is priced between $195 and $595, so while buying the lot would be considerably more expensive than buying the full Sapphire 10, they’re a more cost-effective solution for anyone who only needs a few key tools.

Any Unit will work on any compatible host application installed on the same machine, which means any application that standard Sapphire supports, with the exception of Baselight and DaVinci Resolve for Linux.

BorisFX says that Units will be upgradeable, and the original purchase price can be applied as a credit if you later decide to buy the full Sapphire suite.

Pricing and availability
Sapphire 10 Units are available for After Effects, Nuke, Fusion, Flame, DaVinci Resolve (on Windows or OS X), Premiere Pro and Media Composer. You can find a full list of host software here.

Individual units are priced between $195 and $595. You can find a price list here.

Sapphire 10 itself is offered as a rather complicated mixture of rental-only pricing, perpetual licences, or both, depending on which combination of host software you want to buy it for. Find more details here.

Read more about Sapphire Units on Boris FX’s website

Read a full breakdown of which Sapphire plugins have been included in which Unit