Andersson Technologies ships SynthEyes 1702
Andersson Technologies has released SynthEyes 1702, the latest version of its 3D tracking software, adding native omnidirectional solving for 360-degree video, and a new lens calibration system.
Native support for solving 360-degree video
The update builds on the virtual reality toolset introduced in the previous two releases, “deeply integrating” solving of 360-degree virtual reality footage into the SynthEyes solver.
According to the release notes, “most things” that can be done to regular shots can now be done directly to 360-degree footage, including object solving, tripod shots and seed points.
New lens calibration system
There is also a “huge new lens calibration system” with grid, checkerboard, line straightening, known XYZ and random dot analysis modes, and “extensive output format controls”.
The system supports lens models including linear, inverse linear, anamorphic, and four fisheye lens types.
Smaller features and fixes (Taken from Andersson Technologies’ press release)
Other changes in the release, which includes “around 100” new features and bugfixes, include:
- Delete-tracker mode from Tracker/Planar panel for faster cleanup.
- Hand animation of trackers via splines to create paths during occlusions
- UVMap/STMap/Image distortion maps can be read by the image preprocessor.
- Lens maps for 360VR setups, notably for fisheye to 360VR conversion
- 360VR support for texture extraction
- Computational Undo option on & for the Lens Workflow script
- Geometric Hierarchy Tracking improvements: especially for rig import and setup.
Pricing and availability
SynthEyes 1702 is available for Windows Vista+, CentOS 6 or Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 LTS Linux, and OS X 10.8+.
New licences cost from $299 to $699, depending on whether you buy the Intro or Pro edition of the software, and for which platforms.
Read a full list of new features in SynthEyes 1702 on Andersson Technologies’ website