Monday, October 24th, 2011 Posted by Jim Thacker

Watch the making of the new Diablo III cinematic

Blizzard Entertainment’s new Black Soulstone cinematic for Diablo III…

…and how it was created: the one-hour panel session from Blizzcon 2011.

As a lot of you will already know (over a million views on YouTube and counting), Blizzard Entertainment released a rather impressive cinematic for the upcoming Diablo III last week.

What you may not know, unless you were at Blizzcon 2011 this weekend, was how it was created.

Fortunately, the one-hour panel session, which features six of the key art staff, has been posted on YouTube.

The DiabloFans site also has a written summary of the work. It’s aimed at gamers rather than artists, but it does act as a kind of visual index to the video.