Tuesday, March 30th, 2010 Posted by CG Channel Administration

Matte Painting | February

Mad Max

A few years from now…

In the wastelands of the lost highways, a gang of desert scavengers has established their headquarters along the last remaining trans-state highway, Route 666. They’re the ones who attacked and stole the last fuel convoy. As our hero character pulls in their base, the camera pans to establish their headquarters. In the back we can see the fuel truck somewhat hidden. Every vehicle in the place is armored to death. Armed with chains, guns, spikes and flamethrowers. The place and the cars have nothing inviting. These people simply are soldiers of chaos. Your establishing shot needs to show the audience what the scavengers are about and what their location looks like. We also want to show the fuel truck as it is the main reason why our hero character is going there.

– Jonathon Berube

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First Place
Gordon Tarpley

Second Place

Third Place